Δευτέρα 1 Αυγούστου 2011

how to lock your love.

 έθιμο υπάρχει και στη Ρωσσία!
 Russia cruise is slowly gaining popularity not because the route is new, but also due to the fact that there are opportunities to learn about new tradition and culture of that land. Amongst all the traditions one particular tradition has caught the attention of the newly married couples. The interest of the newly married couples is understandable because the tradition is related to married couples. The tradition, however, is nothing new to the Italians who also have a similar tradition for the newly married couple.
The tradition is known as Locks of Love. In this the newly married couples hang a padlock that has their names inscribed on it. The lock is hung on a bridge securely locked and the keys thrown into the waters of the river. This is supposed to keep the couple together for ever locked in each others love. The tradition, however, is not limited to married couples only; friends as well as family members can also choose to lock their relationship in similar manner.

Άνθρωποι απ ολο το κόσμο, σφραγίζουν με ένα λουκέτο την αγάπη τους. Σκουριασμένα, γυαλιστερά...όλα μαζί όπως οι ευχές στο νερό προστατεύουν το ένα το άλλο. Δυναμώνουν, βαραίνουν και κρατάνε για πολύ καιρό φυλαγμένη μια..... στιγμή χωρίς κλείδι..

Αφιερωμένη ανάρτηση στην Ελίζα.

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